A cold open is a narrative technique used in television and film. It is the practice of jumping directly into a joke or story at the beginning of the show before the title sequence or opening credits are shown. Brooklyn Nine-Nine made great use of the technique.
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This Case Is Officially Dope Cold Open
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- Boyle Beds An Old Woman Cold Open
- Boyle Bingo Turkey Day Edition Cold Open
- Boyle Bullpen Bottle Bowling Cold Open
- Boyle Dreams of Jake's Return Cold Open
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- Boyle Is Mr. Grapes Cold Open
- Boyle Steals Terry's Look Cold Open
- Boyle Tries To Get Coffee With Reacher Grabbers Cold Open
- Boyle's Awful Date Night Recommendation Cold Open
- Boyle's Back as Tommy Gobbler Cold Open
- Boyle's Got His Groove Back Cold Open
- Boyle's Pun Makes Jake Die Inside Cold Open
- Boyle's Terribly Timed Entrance Cold Open
- Halloween Costume Prank Cold Open
- Hitchcock and Scully Were Totally Rad in the '80s Cold Open
- Hitchcock Nearly Drowns Cold Open
- Hitchcock Still Sucks Cold Open
- Hitchcock's Barn Door Is Open and Something Escaped Cold Open
- Holt and Marshmallows Are a Delightful Combo Cold Open
- Holt Battles a Street Dancer Cold Open
- Holt Doesn't Believe in Loopholes Cold Open
- Holt Sneaks into Jake and Amy's Bedroom Cold Open
- Holt Thinks Amy's Gift is da Bomb Cold Open
- Holt's Bold New Look Cold Open
- Holt's Halloween Heist Announcement Cold Open
- Holt's Ultimate Punishment Cold Open
- Jake and Amy Make Boyle Faint Cold Open
- Jake and Amy's Wedding Doesn't Go as Planned Cold Open
- Jake and Terry Geek Out Cold Open
- Jake Announces the Jimmy Jab Games Are Back! Cold Open
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- Jake Calls Holt "Dad" Cold Open
- Jake Gets Ready to Interrogate a Devious Dentist Cold Open
- Jake Gets Thrown in the Hole Cold Open
- Jake Goes Crazy in Interrogation Cold Open
- Jake Goes Full Douche Cold Open
- Jake Got Fired From NYPD Cold Open
- Jake Helps a Pigeon Cold Open
- Jake Inherits a Fortune Cold Open
- Jake Knows Who His Secret Santa Is Cold Open
- Jake Pranks Hitchcock and Almost... Cold Open
- Jake Sacrifices His Dignity for a Suitcase Cold Open
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- Jake's Depressed Cold Open
- Jake's Nasty Hygiene Is Called Out by Holt Cold Open
- Jake's Plan for Holt's Depression Cold Open
- Jake's Slug Life Cruise Plan Cold Open
- Jake's Weak Arrest Is Everyone's Problem Cold Open
- Terry's Crazy Escape Cold Open
- The First Person to Get Gina to Look Up Wins Cold Open
- The Saddest Jock Jams Cold Open
- The Squad Destroys Holt's Gift Basket Cold Open
- The Squad Picks Boyle's Costume Cold Open
- Things Take a Turn at the Boyle Family Farm Cold Open
- This Case Is Officially Dope Cold Open